MIKE SIMONELLI Privacy Policy and Legal Terms

This page describes how MIKE SIMONELLI manages the processing of access and personal data of users who visit our website or contact us through the site and/or via other media. This information only applies to MIKE SIMONELLI and does not concern any other websites that may be visited by users via external links. 

Following the consultation of the MIKE SIMONELLI website, and/or contact via email or telephone, data relating to identified or identifiable individuals can be processed and the terms hereby contained are accepted by all visitors and users. 

MIKE SIMONELLI detains exclusive legal right over the full content of this website. This page also describes in which circumstances consent for the use of its content may be obtained. 

In order to guarantee the integrity and transparency of all MIKE SIMONELLI business activities, please also read our Environmental and Social Responsibility Statement. 


Personal data entry is not required when visiting the MIKE SIMONELLI website. However, we may collect statistical information on the use of the website. This access data is anonymous and therefore not related to any person. We only use access data for evaluation purposes to allow us to improve our products and their information, user experience and our website. This information is generally collected through a series of tracking technologies, such as cookies, pixels, web beacons, embedded scripts, location identification technologies and similar technologies. We work with internet search engines, such as Google, and social media partners, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, offering choice on the collection of your information. Any data processing by such partners is governed by their respective privacy policy, to which you are referred. These partners may set cookies on your computer. We will strive to update this list if/or when we work with new partners, but as this is a fast-evolving environment, this list may not always reflect our current selected partners. We comply with the legal requirements for privacy as determined by UK legislation. 


Users may choose to provide MIKE SIMONELLI with their personal data by sending emails to the addresses indicated on this website, creating a personal profile, completing a purchase order, subscribing to the newsletter or filling in forms on the website. This personal data is solely used by MIKE SIMONELLI in our legitimate interest in managing the requests made to us via our website or email, fulfilling purchase orders, keeping users informed about our brand, our products and our events, and for market analysis and opinion research. This data is limited to name, address and contact information. Personal data provided to MIKE SIMONELLI shall not be sold to third parties and may only be used by carefully selected and duly appointed partners in relation to the fulfilment of MIKE SIMONELLI products and services under strict confidentiality terms. MIKE SIMONELLI does not collect or process sensitive personal data as defined by UK and EU legislation. Therefore, we ask that no such data is sent or disclosed to us via our website or directly to our contacts. 


MIKE SIMONELLI may place carefully selected links to external websites. However, we do not have any control or influence on the content of such websites or wherever the link may lead. Therefore, we do not accept any liability regarding the linked website pages. 

Despite closely monitoring such links to external websites, we would greatly appreciate being kept informed of any anomalies this link info[at]


You may enquire about your personal data at any time via info[at]

You may also unsubscribe at any time from our newsletter distribution list. 

In order for us to identify you, please contact us using the email address matching your personal data collected by MIKE SIMONELLI. 


The full content of the MIKE SIMONELLI website, including copyright preserved text, pictures and technical details of products, may not be downloaded, reproduced in any medium or distributed, by any means, in part or in full, without prior written permission. 

Professional visitors, such as architects, interior designers, journalists and other professionals, at our discretion, may obtain permission to download and use MIKE SIMONELLI content. Requests detailing the content being used, purpose, medium and target audience, should be sent to info[at] If granted, the written permission will stipulate all conditions, which must be positively affirmed by the requestor and complied with before downloading any content. 

The permission request must include professional data that will be stored by MIKE SIMONELLI. In the event that the professional data provided coincides with personal data, such data shall solely be evaluated in order to grant download permission and shall solely be used by MIKE SIMONELLI as defined in the PERSONAL DATA section.

VERSION – February 2021